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The Centennial Student Leaders: Student Council Elections 2024

Article by: Therese Anne B. Cruz, Shaina Camille F. Macaranas, and Angel Mikaela A. Pontanares

Photo by: Juliana Enjielle O. Mauricio Graphics by: Cassius Klai C. Francisco

As the new school year opened its doors, the Mapúa University Commission on Elections (MU COMELEC) conducted the student council elections for the Central Student Council (CSC), Council of Organizations (COO), Council of Presidents (COP), and for local student councils for the Academic Year 2024-2025.


Filing of Candidacy and Campaign Period

The filing of candidacy began last September 20 and officially closed on September 24. Following the release of the official list of candidates for CSC, COO, and school student councils last September 26, the campaign period ran from September 28 to October 2.

This year, there were two partylists representing the aspirants for the CSC. Salinlahi Partylist was led by Department of Liberal Arts student Mikaela Angela T. Subosa, while Yugto Partylist was headed by Cielo Joyce P. Ando from the School of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering.

To learn more about the candidates and their platforms, the Miting de Avance was held for both Intramuros and Makati on October 3 and 4, respectively. With designated schedules, all aspiring candidates presented their platforms and were subjected to a question-and-answer portion to assess the feasibility of their platforms and clarify their stances on certain issues.

After the voting period, the MU COMELEC held the closed-door elections for the COO and COP at the Intramuros Campus. Nominees and aspirants introduced their platforms and answered queries from COMELEC and the student body.

Meanwhile, the filing of candidacy for the Senior High School student council elections started last August 19 and closed on August 25. Their campaign period ran from August 29 until September 4, followed by the Miting de Avance held last September 5 at both campuses.



Voting and Results

Alongside the new school year is a new voting process. The newly implemented voting process was executed online via Engage, a site featuring the activities happening inside the University. Following the elections, the voter turnout reached 16%, marking a 3.64% increase from last year.

Meanwhile, a special election for the President and Assistant Auditor positions of the COO was held last October 13, gathering delegates from different student organizations to elect leaders. The special elections are decided by COMELEC to fill vacant positions. Moreover, appointed student leaders do not carry the official position title, but are instead given the title of “Officer-in-Charge” (OIC).

The results of the voting are as follows:

CSC Officers:

President: Mikaela Angela T. Subosa (DLA)

Internal Vice President: Enrico Miguel G. Santos (CEGE)

External Vice President: Julia Gwyneth B. Torio (ARIDBE)

Executive Secretary: Maria Sofia S. Padre (CBMES)

Assistant Secretary: Jen Krizia Mae D. Agripa (SOHS)

Treasurer: Nathan Jael T. Ureta (DLA)

Auditor: Chaed Zaynah C. Tolentino (IE-EMG)

Business Manager 1: Niño Daryl L. Atienza (SOHS)

Business Manager 2: Jacob Nathan N. Neric (ARIDBE)

Public Relations Officers 1: Angelique Yvanne C. Orlain (CBMES)

Public Relations Officer 2: Denzel Ivan P. Porlage (EECE)

Public Relations Officer 3: Jamuel Jiether T. Sy (SMS)

Honorary Member: Isabel Elyse B. Huliganga (SHS)


COO Officers:

President: Jinjer Rianne I. Arante (JPIA)

OIC - Internal Vice President: Kathleen Keiyth V. Floreza

External Vice President: Szera Yasmeen A. Mahmud (JPIA)

Executive Secretary: Jeiel Russel A. Fajardo (SAE – MUCC)

Assistant Secretary: Mariz Judiel G. Salazar (RCYC-MU)

Treasurer: Liana Marie V. Cahinhinan (TVM)

Assistant Treasurer: Sophia Chloe R. De Jesus (PHISMETS)

Head of External Relations: Liana Mariss E. Cagomoc (ISNG)

External Relations Associate: Jeffrey H. Meng (SHSSC)

Public Relations Officer (PRO) – OIC - Intramuros: Jayrick C. Moit 

OIC - Makati: John Benedict A. Vida

OIC – SHS: Irish Mae P. Yepes


The School of Information Technology (SOIT) had a special election on October 16 to 20, 2024 to fill in the empty positions in the SSC. It was also held through Mapúa Engage.


COP Officers: 

Chairman: Cyruss James Mendoza (SoHS)

Vice Chairman: Kyle Fernando G. Sasi (EECE)

Executive Secretary: Kyro Mari R. Padunan (ARIDBE)

Assistant Secretary: Serafin IV Balagtas (ETYSB)

Treasurer: Elijah Benedique L. Naquila (CBMES)

Assistant Treasurer: Stephanie G. Luces (CEGE)

Business Manager 1: Princess Samantha Galang (SHS SC)

Business Manager 2: Julia Marie D. Cabral (DLA)

Public Relations Officers 1: Seanne Ethan Gabriel Marquez (SMS)

Public Relations Officer 2: Artryan N. Logarta (SOIT)

Sports Development Officer: Axel John C. Lerpido (MMEE SC President)

Sports Development Officer: Ma. Althea Kassandra A. Domingo (IE-EMG)



Following the student elections, the Induction took place with the theme, “Echelons of Excellence: The Centennial Induction," held last October 14, at the Mapúa Cardinal Cinema of the Makati campus.

The event kicked off with a wise reminder from the Assistant Vice President (AVP) of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations, Mr. Oliver Ryan B. Custodio, regarding the call for leadership. "...You don't just represent your group, [...] but you are there to serve. So, make sure that during your tenure, please be mindful of you, represent your school. [...] So, your policies, your actions, your projects, should be suited to attend to the needs of your particular school." For COO, [...] we value also the role of organizations because organizations ensure holistic growth and development. They provide a venue for skills development, provide a venue for talent, they provide a venue for network opportunities, for professional growth—all of those can be done by your COO.” Mr. Custodio also highlights the significance of the University’s organizations.

Ending his message, he bids good luck and hopes for fruitful leadership for the CSC, as the university’s highest governing body; “...So, we hope we can continue that same collaboration to promote student welfare. So, I hope you continue to be inspired with your- the same call you responded two weeks ago. And should you have any problems, feel free to consult our office, to consult your ates and kuyas to guide you along your leadership journey.” the AVP expressed.

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